The Glossary
Pagmamano - "A Filipino gesture of respect towards adults used in greeting them. The term refers to the act of leaning down to kiss or place one's forehead against the hand of an adult."

Asia Traveler Advice

/ Asia / Asia Traveler advice
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How to go to Masbate City’s meteorite (Transportation)

Added: 2009-10-15 11:17:52 in Masbate, Philippines

You can go to the meteorite by renting a van from the city proper since the meteorite is in a quite remote area. The van may cost P1000 one way, or you can negotiate with the driver for the price. Ask...Read full tip...

Rodeo Masbateño (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-10-16 10:48:58 in Masbate, Philippines

The best time to go to Masbate is early April, just in time for the city’s most famous festival, the Rodeo Masbateño. The Rodeo is a nationwide contest in which horseback riders plunge into...Read full tip...

No comfort rooms on the boats (Warnings)

Added: 2009-10-16 10:50:37 in Masbate, Philippines

Be warned that boats to, around, and in Masbate usually do not have built-in comfort rooms (and the boat travels last from 30 minutes to two hours!) so remember to use the comfort room before every boat...Read full tip...

How to go to Facenda da Esperanza (Transportation)

Added: 2009-10-16 10:52:33 in Masbate, Philippines

Facenda da Esperanza is in between the mountains and hills of Milagros. To go there, charter a van (P1000 to P1500 roundtrip, open to negotiations) from Masbate City to Facenda da Esperanza. Most divers...Read full tip...

Masbate’s only spa (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-10-16 10:54:02 in Masbate, Philippines

The only spa in the island of Masbate is in Masbate City. You can take a tricycle from the city proper going there. The fare ranges from P20 to P30. The spa has segregated rooms and offers the usual spa...Read full tip...

Street smarts in S. Korea (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-10-16 10:57:41 in South Korea

You may often see cars and motorbikes parking in South Korea's pedestrians so you may want to keep your eyes peeled when walking around in the streets.  Keep in mind the basic pedestrian rules, and...Read full tip...

Seafood, horses among Masbate’s specialties (Food)

Added: 2009-10-16 11:01:25 in Masbate, Philippines

Expect to eat giant crabs, oysters, lobsters, dish, and other seafood in Masbate’s restaurants. As the country’s “ranch capital,” Masbate also has among the country’s best...Read full tip...

Lighthouse, caves, waterfalls, etc. (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-10-16 11:06:54 in Masbate, Philippines

If you’ll be renting a van going to Aroroy Beach, make sure to pass by the mystical caves, waterfalls, a couple of “miraculous” chapels, and a Spanish colonial era lighthouse found one...Read full tip...

On Japanese toasts! (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-10-16 11:10:26 in Japan

You may want to stick with saying "kampai!" in a toast in Japan.  "Cin cin (chin chin)," which is the Italian counterpart may be offensive to the Japanese as it refers to the...Read full tip...

Birding Paradise Island (near Aroroy Beach) (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-10-16 11:15:58 in Masbate, Philippines

Approximately a half hour boat ride away from Aroroy Beach is the Bird Island, a paradise for bird-watchers for its thousands of bird species all-day-long and all-year round. The island is so full of...Read full tip...

Seoul (Soul) Food! (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-10-16 11:23:34 in Seoul , South Korea

The local cuisine is a must-try in Seoul-- it's pungent, it's rich, it's everything in between!  For a budget meal that doesn't sacrifice flavor, you may want to try out Sadongmyenok, in Insadong...Read full tip...

Singapore Airline's boarding pass as free ticket to sights (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-10-16 12:46:36 in Singapore

If you're flying Singapore airline, keep your boarding pass for up to a week, it will give you free entrances and great discounts (up to 50%) to enter certain venues in Singapore. . Read full tip...

Beware of pickpockets and sexual harassment in crowded areas (Warnings)

Added: 2009-10-19 10:24:57 in Shanghai, China

Pick-pocketing and sexual harassment are common in crowded areas, especially in subway trains and buses. Hence, always keep your money on a money belt or on a secret pocket especially before riding a...Read full tip...

Beware of hawkers (Warnings)

Added: 2009-10-19 10:33:47 in Shanghai, China

Take note that there are many aggressive hawkers, especially in Pudong’s Science Museum and Old Town. Such hawkers usually sell counterfeit designer goods and would bug and follow you around until...Read full tip...