The Glossary
Sakura - "A term referring to either the Japanese cherry blossoming tree or the blossom itself."

Asia Traveler Advice

/ Asia / Asia Traveler advice
Accommodation (7)Activities (6)Female Traveler (8)
Food (20)Health (11)Itineraries (146)
Nightlife (6)On a budget (3)Shopping (20)
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Banned imports in Indonesia (Warnings)

Added: 2009-09-25 10:49:15 in Indonesia

Visitors entering Indonesia are prohibited from bringing fresh fruits, narcotics, fire arms and ammo, TVs, video tapes and recorders, pornography, and medicine and other printed materials in Chinese. ...Read full tip...

Giving gifts in Indonesia (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-09-25 10:53:02 in Indonesia

Never give a pair of scissors or a knife as a gift to an Indonesian as this implies that you want to sever your relationship with him/her.  Muslims should not be given alcohol or any non-halal food...Read full tip...

Watch where you point your feet! (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-09-25 10:55:24 in Malaysia

It is considered rude to point your foot at someone, so be mindful of where you place them.. Read full tip...

On Buddhist temples and monks (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-09-25 11:10:07 in Thailand

When visiting Buddhist temples, remember to dress modestly (no shorts, sleeveless tops, plunging necklines) and remove your shoes and leave them by the door.  Trigger-happy photographers should refrain...Read full tip...

Keep your cool! (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-09-25 11:14:42 in Malaysia

You ought to remember that maintaing a composed demeanor is the only way to go around Malaysia.  Raising your voice, throwing a fit, or acting violently  towards someone is considered a weakness...Read full tip...

Hotel business cards (Transportation)

Added: 2009-09-29 10:37:16 in Vietnam

Before going out of your hotel, make sure you keep a hotel business card with you.  Most drivers in Vietnam aren't fluent in English, and when commuting, you may find it difficult to tell them where...Read full tip...

Never flaunt your money! (Warnings)

Added: 2009-09-29 10:40:13 in Vietnam

When in Vietnam, don't go around flaunting your cash and wearing fine jewelry.  For one, it is considered tasteless to flaunt one's wealth.  Another thing is that you can be a target for pickpockets. ...Read full tip...

No PDA in Vietnam (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-09-29 10:43:01 in Vietnam

Like in most conservative Asian countries, lavishing affection towards your lover is frowned upon in Vietnam.  Holdings hands is okay, but kissing and hugging aren't.. Read full tip...

Street smarts in Ho Chi Minh (Warnings)

Added: 2009-09-29 10:49:05 in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Drivers in Ho Chi Minh City are known for not following traffic rules.  It isn't a surprise to see people driving the wrong way, beating the red light, and what have you.  Just bear in mind...Read full tip...

Never lose your temper (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-09-29 10:51:39 in Vietnam

Don't ever lose your cool in Vietnam, especially when bargaining for a good price.  It is considered a big embarrassment on both parties if one should raise his/her voice or act violently towards...Read full tip...

Beware of the "shoe shine boys"! (Warnings)

Added: 2009-09-29 10:56:31 in New Delhi, India

Try not to use the pedestrian underpasses, especially if you see the notorious "shoe shine boys" around.  They often go to great lengths to soil your footwear to force you to pay them for...Read full tip...

Table Manners (Itineraries)

Added: 2009-09-29 10:59:49 in Myanmar

People in Myanmar are used to eating quietly and reserve the chatting for somewhere else.  Using your hands when eating is a normal thing, but you should make sure that you'd still look graceful...Read full tip...

Don't stay in the streets past ten! (Warnings)

Added: 2009-09-29 11:04:14 in Sikkim, India

Be aware that in Delhi, all activity screech to a halt past ten o'clock in the evening.  They turn off most of the lights and everything closes.  So, remember not to stay on the streets at that...Read full tip...

Drinking Water (Warnings)

Added: 2009-09-29 11:05:16 in Myanmar

Tap water in Myanmar is generally unsafe to drink.  Remember to stock up on water bottles, especially when you intend to do a lot of hiking or walking.  There should be bottled water available...Read full tip...