Added: 2 weeks 16 hours ago in Koh Kong Conservation Corridor, Cambodia

Since there is no public transportation available in Koh Kong, a good option to reach Chi Phat is to ride a boat from Andoung Truek's port. You can locate Andoung Truek by taking a minibus, bus, or shared taxi from Phom Phen bound for Koh Kong on Highway 48, west of Preak Piphot.

Boat services are avialable daily at Andoung Truek. Once you're on the port, negotiate with boatmen to take you on a laidback two to three-hour trip that passes through Botom Sakur National Park's east coast and upriver to Chi Phat. The cost is usually 10,000 riel or $6 per person. The boat ride is a good way to relax and to have your first peek at the rainforests of the countryside.

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