The Glossary
fady - "means a taboo. A fady governs the everyday life of the locals and these must be observed no matter how senseless they might be as it is an insult to the people if a tourist is not to follow a fady."
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Always smile even if you're mad

/ Africa / Madagascar / Madagascar Traveler Advice
Added: 1 month 1 week ago in Madagascar

Since the Malagasy are friendly, cheerful people, they don’t know how to appease angry people. They panic when they see someone angry, so it’s better to always smile even if you are irritated and mad because if you shout at them, the more that you might not get what you want because they won’t be able to understand why you are angry. As much as possible, the Malagasy would try their best to fulfill whatever their visitors want, so the best way to ask them favors is to smile.


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