About Baily Bay - Find out more about Baily Bay
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About Baily Bay

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Bailey's Bay is nestled at the eastern tip of Hamilton Parish across Castle Harbor. Famous for its marvelous crystals of stalactites and stalagmites, giving the place a silent but delicate splendor, Bailey's Place in one of the best places in the world for backpacking and camping adventures. Tourists are amazed at the marvelous crystals of Crystal Cave, a cove surrounded by a clear lake 55 feet deep, where it was said to have stalactites created over 30 million years ago.

Bailey's Bay is also known for its garden scenery. The balmy weather has produced some of the best tropical flowers, from jasmine to lily, to the more exotic Bermudiana and Frangipanni. Most are collected and used as ingredients by the Bermuda Perfumery, a garden that directly produces fragrance using the process known as enfleurage. Using this array of bountiful blooms to extract natural fragrances and create popular perfumes, it has created an industry that is in demand all over the world.

Getting a feel of the place is fairly easy by just walking along a line of orchids, passionflowers and oleanders amidst quaint century old cottages. The winding trail is like travelling through memory lane with its whiff of fragrant air along tree-lined pathways.

Solitude indeed is the best companion especially if you're looking for an inimitable place to relax sans the hustle and bustle of city life. Grotto Bay, with its 21 acres of beautifully landscaped garden, deep water cove and narrow sandy beaches has been a haven for the weary who want nothing more than urban therapy.

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